Matt, non-yellowing and age-resistant colourless final varnish, contains nano particles for longer-lasting UV protection. Fast-drying. Provides elastic and resistant protection for all Schmincke and other artists’ acrylic colours. Also suitable for art prints, inkjet prints, photos and similar surfaces used in indoor applications. We strongly recommend pretesting before use. The dry varnish layer remains soluble in oil of turpentine and turpentine substitute. Shake well before use and spray at room temperature by moving the can from one side to the other side and from top to bottom holding the can 30-40 cm from the object, which is placed vertical or slightly inclined. Repeat process when dry until you achieve the desired surface effect. Clean clogged spray heads using acetone. Use only for the purpose intended. Dispose of only when empty. Contains: Propane/butane, acrylic resin, matting agent, UV-absorber (Triazol- and Piperidylderivative – may cause allergic reactions), mineral spiritllergische Reaktionen hervorrufen), Testbenzin.